Sat navs are brilliant for directing us to places we have never been before, but they are far from perfect. Using a sat nav doesn't mean you can just sit back and enjoy the ride, as they can sometimes lead you astray. Take a look at our list of the worst sat nav disasters ever!
1. Train Track Detour

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Satlegh Mohammadi was found by the police standing next to his Ford Fiesta after his sat nav took him 20ft along a train track. The police had been informed by Network Rail workers who had seen Satlegh driving along the stretch of track. His sat nav informed him to turn right at a level crossing which took him to the train track.
2. An Unexpected Swim

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On his way to pick up a passenger in Norfolk, a cab driver followed the directions of his sat nav into a river. He didn't stop when he saw the water though, he kept driving for 200 yards before his car got stuck in the river bed and had to call a tractor to tow him free.
3. A Traceable Crime

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A group of bank robbers were caught after a break in, and after their sat nav revealed 12 other banks saved in their 'places of interest' folder on the device, they were linked to c chain of similar crimes that had been committed previously.
4. Crossing The Wrong Border

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Workers from Cheltenham and Gloucester were being driven to a work's Christmas do to Lille in France. They realised after the driver's sat nav took them 98 miles in the wrong direction that they were in Lille in Belgium instead – completely the wrong country!
5. Follow These Steps

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A limousine driver decided to take the quickest route in order to get his boss to the shop that he needed to get to. His sat nav said it was ok to drive down a flight of steps in order to get there quicker – so he did!
6. A Real Cliffhanger

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A driver almost drove himself off a cliff after his sat nav instructed him to keep driving as he reached the peak of the hills. The only thing stopping him from plummeting to the ground was a wire fence surrounding the cliff.