Scrapping Your Car - What You Need To Look Out For

Once upon a time if you wanted to scrap your vehicle you'd have to drive around your local breaker's yards leading to a considerable amount of time had you wanted to shop around first. 

Fortunately, nowadays all you need to do is search online to find a company like us who can provide a hassle free service with a great price. However when you're looking for a trustworthy scrap car dealer what should you be looking to avoid? Here we break down the Do's and Don'ts of scrapping your vehicle. 

Do Use A Registered Scrap Dealer.

Any car that is to be scrapped must be sent to an Authorised Treatment Facility, while the scrap yard must have a license that has been issued by the Environment Agency or Scottish Environment Protection Agency. 

This acts as a promise that the car parts are recycled responsibly, in particular the components that could harm the environment, for example battery acid, gearbox oil or engine parts. 

Don't Accept Cash Payment.

The Scrap Metal Dealers Act introduced in October of last year to combat metal theft makes it illegal for anyone to pay cash for scrap vehicles, and although you wouldn't get into trouble for accepting it, it is a good sign that all may not be well with this particular company. 

Do Make Sure You Secure A Certificate Of Destruction.

This is your proof that you have had the car scrapped so you will not be held liable should the scrap car company you dealt with fail to dispose of the parts properly and legally. 

Do Let The DVLA Know That You Are No Longer Responsible For The Car.

You'll need your V5 document for this. Just follow the instructions laid out in the document and send off the relevant part to them. We will also tell the DVLA that you don't own the car anymore. 

Don't Forget To Reclaim Your Road Tax.

When we take your car from you make sure that if you have any road tax left on the vehicle (at least one month or more) that you claim it back. You will receive a full refund for every complete month that remains. 

To find out more about scrapping your vehicle with Sell the Car give us a call on 03452 222 333, alternatively complete our online contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.